Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai

Much more than just tea.

Zend Banzhang Red Tea is a very rare and hand-picked red tea from the southwest of Yunnan/China. This tea is planted and cultivated in an intact nature close to the borders of Myanmar and Laos. The tea trees, which are over 1000 years old, are enlivened by natural parasites such as mosses, ferns and rare flowers that influence the unique taste. Accordingly, this tea is very high priced and is rather enjoyed on special occasions.

The basic form of black packaging is based on Chinese fans. The golden imprint with embossing on the front represent the typical tea leaves as well as the butterfly species native to the tea mountains. In the pack, the 7 x 8 grams of the teas are stored in high-quality gold metal boxes. Graphic motifs of the mountain world were engraved on the edge of the metal lid. You don't throw that packaging away and continue to use it for other things. The processing of the package is of high quality down to the last detail. The luxurious furnishings and graphic appearance of the butterfly promote the anticipation of a respectful enjoyment of this unique red teas.

Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai
Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai
Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai
Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai
Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai
Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai
Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai
Zend Tea by Hesse Shanghai